My Philosophy


My Philosophy

Nutrition shouldn’t be so complicated.

Nutrition and health advice can often appear conflicting and confusing. We are living in an ever-expanding age of “nutritionism”, where we focus so much on nutrients and components that make up our food rather than on food itself. The diet industry is constantly bombarding us with “get fit quick” schemes that often include diets, exercise routines, and supplements promising you that body you’ve always fantasized about. We are constantly being told our bodies aren’t good enough the way they are, and we must work on changing them in an attempt to fit societies unattainable beauty ideal.

As a result, eating healthy has become unnecessarily complex and sadly, stressful. Each day we are faced with conflicting messages about nutrition, physical activity, and health from so called professionals, the media, food & supplement industries, family, and our peers. It’s no wonder we’re struggling with our eating! If you’re struggling with some of these issues know that you are not alone.

My mission is to help you learn how to re-nourish your body and mind while actually enjoying food.