Mindful Eating Tips

Mindfulness is the practice of bringing our full attention and awareness to the present experience, without judgement. Mindful eating helps us experience more satisfaction from our eating experiences, and become aware of our thoughts, feelings, and physical sensations related to eating. Mindful eating is a tool to help us reconnect with our innate wisdom (also known as our intuitive eater) that we are born with, such as the ability to honor hunger and satiety signals.

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Crystal Pace
How to Gain Control Over Out-of-Control Eating

Many of my clients’ report feeling out-of-control around certain foods and preoccupied with food. Diet culture has taught us to believe that the solution to feeling more in control versus out-of-control around food and eating is dieting, or restricting ourselves of the very foods we feel out-of-control around. Unfortunately, this ends up fueling the very vicious cycle so many individuals are working hard to break free from and contributes to feeling out-of-control around food.

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Crystal Pace